Hot Peas and Butta keeps it fresh with our upcoming party Tokyo Soul. As always we bring you the funkiest in 45 selections plus the unusually unique visuals shown on projectors. This time out we're dedicating an entire night to classic Japanese cinema, Kaiju and Anime all spliced together for you viewing pleasure! And since classic cinema is our 2nd love we've done special Lobby Card / flyers for the occasion! The Elroy Jenkins always comes correct when keeping our brands image on point!
Lobby Card "A"

Lobby Card "B"

Lobby Card "C"
Skeme, applause are in order, those are some damn fine lobby cards. For a second there, I thought they were actual lobbies for the movies till I took a double take. An amazing job!
The new font is awesome, too, by the way!
Thanks Venom! We tried to give it an authentic feel so I'm it gets the thumbs up from you! Definitely want to eventually print a complete set up just to have. Thanks again for the props!
Wow! Dope Flyers!! Love it!
We're releasing Hi res images for download on the Hot Peas and Butta website if your interested in having them in high quality.
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