Friday night was all about rockin at my favorite spot with my cousin and resident Doctors Orders Chairman, DJ Spin Doctor and special guest DJ Stones Throw's James Pants. The night was definitely a dope mix for the people and yes, they really know how to party! Whenever I get the chance to set it off with Spin its always a great time, son knows just how to rock the crowd and set it up for me to do my thing. After leaving the spot at 4am it was back to the hotel for an 8:30am breakfast call, 9:30 nap and then a 2pm sound check for day 1 of the UK's largest Hip Hop event of all time, the 2008 Sony Ericsson UK Bboy Championships. After a long day and night of day one it was back to the hotel for a quick bite to eat and some rest. Sunday was no different, my man DJ Element gave me the wake up call at 8:30am for breakfast but was delayed because episode 2 of the UK Championships TV show was showing on Channel 4. What other country in the world can you go to that has a show dedicated to the art of Bboying? With location interviews from UK to Russia and all points in between, Hooch is the king and has mastered the art of taking the UK Champs to the next level! So after breakfast and a nap it was time for a 4pm soundcheck and the show must begin. But before I begin to rock the crowd its off to do a few TV interviews for MTV Europe and several other stations (only in Europe!) The Champs was bananas as usual, the energy of the crowd was on point as one would expect, the level of talent this year was just as amazing as ever.
Sunday night after the Champs its all about the afterparty at Plan B! This is the spot where your getting a dope mix of people drinking, dancing and having a crazy time to the best tunes on could ask for. Tonight I decided to take a hiatus from the tables and let my man Element be the selector but you know me, I gotta be in the mix some how and who else better to rock the mic right? Yeah you know, you heard it on the "$2 Soul Show" you heard it on the "FLOW Show", S to the K, E to the ME! Element and myself traded back and forth while he dropped the beats in and out I kept the people in tune to make sure that they were still ridin' with us.
After returning to the hotel at 4am there was very little time to pack my bags, take a quick shower and head downstairs for my driver to pick me up at 6am and off to Heathrow for my flight home. To quote my man Cros1...."Damn, that business class seating is looking real good right now" say word!
In between the hectic running around I still managed to fit in record and sneaker shopping!
Since London is so funky and gets it in heavy, be sure to check out the upcoming episode of the $2 Soul Show as I do my "Funky in Brixton" edition where I'll spin some choice cuts of Northern Soul, Funk, Reggae and other gems.

5000 screaming people

They dont serve this at Mcdonalds in the states.

I love vending machines in London airport bathrooms!

Gotta rep my clothing sponsor...FLOW!

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