I'm really glad that people want to know about me outside of my profession, to me those people are true fans (but I like to call them fam's as in world wide family). These are people who in some way appreciate my suggestions on things that I think are cool or people that are into the same things that I'm into and want to connect in one way shape or form. Music is just one part of my life, there are so many other things that move and drive me that I'm into so it's great that I can connect with different groups of people on different topics and not just be known as one dimensional.
Ok so to answer some of the questions that I've been asked recently what comics am I reading? Other things besides the usual super hero madness that Marvel has been putting out but there are a few DC titles that are great though. But I've been reading alot more of the gritty and raw titles such as Dark Shadows, King Conan, Flash Gordon and other indy titles.

What I'm watching? There's always a classic playing even if I'm not watching. If I'm on a flight going somewhere my media player is filled with cult classics and a few new shows like Hell On Wheels or The Walking Dead. Kung Fu flix are always on deck when I'm in the lab working on music as well as the occasional horror.

What's in my ears? That's constantly changing but for the last few months I've been going back through alot of Jazz albums that I bought back in the early 90's to sample from and actually listening to them. My weekend mornings usually begin with me dropping the needle down and relaxing or roaming around the house prepping for the day. But other than Jazz it's the usual Soul, Soundtracks and whatever new gems I find.

So now you know what I'm feeling for the moment what are you diggin right now?
great post!
-Ill Doc
good ish!
comics: love me some batman of course, but trying to re-read and catch up on a lot of Gabriel Ba's work: specifically Daytripper, Casanova, and Umbrella Academy. lot of inspiration here
movies: all over the place but also catching up on classic film noirs.
music: ahh.... too much on my plate here haha
you gotta check the comic "chew". it's about a detective that call tell how a person was killed by eating some of them or tasting their blood. it's made by image comics. also,hit me with an address for a digging video i'd like you to have. d.
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