And damn did I have a great 5 days of perfect weather and limited sleep while I was visiting. First thanks to Focus and Alex for bringing me out there to get down and Circle Prinz, UK Champs Qualifiers, the Club Gigs @ Nude, the Bossa FM radio interview and all around just taking good care of me! I've got mad pics that I have to sort thru so I'll put them up at various times, also this update might be a little lengthy because so much happend out there.
I arrived on Thursdays and went straight to check out my man Wicket who was doing a workshop, while there of course Hooch (UK Champs) was there, various newspapers that were covering the weekends events and other peeps that I haven't seen in a minute. After there we headed to the hotel which is part of the Design Group to check in and damn this was an amazing hotel. The whole architecture and design was on another level, the rooms were amazing, the club downstairs was ridiculously fresh and screw the average continental breakfast, every morning was Salmon, Tuna, Sauna Ham, fresh baked breads and croissants, fresh squeezed juices and more. Thursday was an off night so we had dinner at a dope Thai Restaurant which we wound up eating at about 3 different times it was so good. From there it was off to club hop and drink. The night was kind of blur for because as we arrived back at the hotel at 430am I was twisted and the room was spinning so I had to sleep it off because of a long day ahead. When I woke up at 9am Friday morning the room was still spinning and my head was bangin ungodly....lets just leave it right there. Fast forward.
Today was about the BBQ, live graff and me spinning in the new RedBull truck on a sunny afternoon. During the time of me spinning I also had to do an over the phone live interview with Bossa FM radio to discuss the weekends events.
Friday night its off to the Virgin Oil Company which is a Bar, Club and Restaurant where Circle Prinz was being held, the perfect location!! The system was bangin, the bar was stocked and it was dark! Plus it was not only bboys and bgirls but party peoples in general which made for a great vibe. Timber, Renegade and myself kept the music official for the whole night! Friday night after leaving the club at 4am things get weird, once the clubs close at 4 the entire city is drunk and looking really weird but there are no cops, no dissorderly actions of any sort going on. But everyone is wasted something ugly and looking at sober people like they have 2 heads and 3 eyes. The streets are packed and everyone eats at these burger stands on the corners, I ate there last time I was out and had just a burger but some of the shit there is just down right uncalled for!
Saturday morning Focus picked up Timber and myself to hit the record shops and do some diggin in the crates. Stopped at 4 different spots but really only found gems in two of them because time was limited and we had to gear up for UK Champs day 1. I racked up some really nice pieces though. After UK Champs its back to the hotel to show, hit the Thai restaurant and then off to this secret Redbull location for a private screening that they were doing. This spot was so in the cut and had a thumb print scanner to open the doors, once inside the walls, carpet and bar was black but the couches and chairs were white. Also had flat screens over the walls, a pool table, craps table etc. Shit was off the chain, shouts to the fly Redbull girls servin us up! From there its of to rock at this brand new club called "Nude" where Timber was already there dropping latin gems, the crowd was really sexy forsure. Around 12:30 Hooch jumped on the tables and then it was on, he instantly came in with a bang dropping various genres and had the floor going mad. I got on after him and kept the shit rolling comin in with some Stevie Wonder and flippin it up from there dropping Hip Hop, classics and R&B joints. Renegade followed me and and I swear, everytime I hear him spin it always flips my mind because his skills, selection and blends are so onpoint. Once again, leaving the club at 430am, I vowed to get some good sleep but its hard with the sun rising around that time.
Sunday was another early start for UK Champs day 2, I'll keep it short.....FLOW MO!!!!!! no more to be said.
There's alot more but my body thinks its 2am when really its only 8pm so I'll hit you with more later.
Over Finland

Architecture on the streets of Finland

Redbull Secret Location

A day of diggin with Timber

Sleepin drunk guy in McDonalds. And whats with this burger?? Buger, chicken and hotdogs? Is this how it goes down with drunk Finnish people at 430am? I'll pass!

The crowd at Nude was wild'n out the whole night. The ratio of girl to guy is crazy have never really seen a spot where girls reign supreme.

Hooch, Renegade and myself kept the crowd sweatin'

With Jani Tolin of Flow Mo @ Nude

w/ Timber, ATA, and Renegade

Wish this pic would have come out better but it was rushed. Flow Mo was about to do the finals so I had to snap it quick. Congrats on the victory!