We at Hot Peas and Butta are honored to be one of sponsors for the Wax On Film contest. This is for all you vinyl junkies that like to show off your collections.

Wax On Film: A Vinyl Photo Contest is an opportunity for vinyl collectors of all walks of life to showcase their true love for vinyl. It’s put together by Jamison Harvey of Flea Market Funk and Eilon Paz, of the acclaimed vinyl documentary photo site Dust & Grooves.
The mission of this photo contest is to help preserve vinyl heritage, as well as the artists that make it, just as our contestants do with their collections.
We want you to submit photos of your own vinyl collection!
We urge you to be creative with your photography. It could be a straight on shot, a collage, a digitally manipulated image, or any other creative art piece in the medium of photography.
Submissions will be judged by Jamison Harvey (DJ & creator of Flea Market Funk), Eilon Paz (Photographer & creator of Dust & Grooves), influential world famous DJ Rich Medina, Brian Ho (art director & creator of Dreams In Audio) and Brian Cross aka B+ (photographer & film maker from Mochilla). All finalists of the contest will be featured in articles on Flea Market Funk as well as Dust & Grooves.
Prize Packages:
First Place:
1 Tucker and Bloom North South DJ Bag
1 Nixon RPM Headphones
1 Rare Byrds 45 Poster
1 Listen Clothing and 1 101 Apparel Tee
1 Cultures of Soul 7” test pressing of The Darling Dears “I Don’t Think I’ll Love Another”
1 Hot Peas & Butta Limited Edition Print
1 Tropicalia In Furs: Brazilian Guitar Fuzz Bananas 3D LP
5 Truth and Soul Records 7” records
1 Super HI-FI Latest single “Single Player” on 7”
Second Place:
1 Nixon Crux Messenger Bag
1 Nixon RPM Headphones
1 Rare Byrds 45 Poster
3 Truth and Soul Records 7” records
1 Cultures of Soul 7” record
1 Listen Clothing and 1 101 Apparel Tee
1 Hot Peas & Butta Limited Edition Print
1 Tropicalia In Furs Brazilian Guitar Fuzz Bananas 3D LP
Third Place:
1 Nixon Crux Messenger bag filled with Nixon Trooper Headphones
1 Rare Byrds 45 Poster,
1 Truth and Soul Records 7” record
1 Cultures of Soul 7” record
1 Hot Peas & Butta Limited Edition Print
1 Listen Clothing and 1 101 Apparel Tee
5 Runners Up:
1 Truth and Soul Records 7” record
1 Listen Clothing or 101 Apparel tee
* Prizes are subject to change without notice, based on availability.
Submission Rules:
* Submissions will be accepted until March 15th , 2012.
* Finalists will be announced no later than April 2nd, 2012.
* There is no limit to the number of images each artist may submit.
* Submission is open to all persons over the age of 18.
* Artwork should be submitted as a digital file.
* Maximum file size: 2MB
* File Format: JPEG
* Images should be saved at 72dpi
* Color Profile: sRGB
* Images should be no larger than 1400 pixels on their longest dimension.
* File names should consist of: Artist name_Artwork name_Sequence Number
* On the caption field please write your full name and a valid email address so we can contact you in case your submission wins.
Send all submissions here
go ahead, be creative, start shooting!!
more about our sponsors:
Truth & Soul Records
Tucker & Bloom
101 Apparel
Cultures of Soul
Listen Clothing
Hot Peas & Butta
Rare Byrds
Tropicalia in Furs
Super HI-FI