Finally getting around to doing a little updating on the blog from my New Years Eve Switzerland trip. Had alot of fun doing an all Funk, Soul & Classic Disco night up in the Alps. No better way to end the year and begin a new one than with family and friends doing what you love to do most, rocking the world!
Stamp In

I love over night flights, you wake up to a new day in a different country.

After landing at Zurich Airport I like to take the hour train ride to Thun City so that I can regroup and get my mind right.

If you've seen any of my other pics you'll notice that this is the same castle that you see from my hotel room. I finally had enough time to actually sight see and visit the castle which was once a prison and now is where all of the judges and lawyers operate from.

Overlooking Thun City

My Swiss family, Peggy and Jazzy Jes

Even rocked white Serato vinyl Just for this white affair.

New Years Day Brunch up in the hills.

Business Class Flight Home Dinner, starting off with Salmon, Pretzel Bread and Salad.

Steak with a Dijon Mustard, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots

After a few Vodka and OJ's and catching up reading Ronin 5 it's time to stretch out and sleep for the flight home.

Ended the year getting one and began another with one, stamps! Here's to a busy and successful 2012!